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Do you drink more than you should?

Permanently reduce alcohol consumption by 80 percent so you don't have to quit.

The Next Chapter

Evidence-based, holistic brain training for professional women.

Change how you think about alcohol so you can drink (and not drink) like a normal person.

Get Happy. Not Sober.

Escape the all-or-nothing mindset that triggers the habit of over-drinking so you never have to "start over" again!

"This is literally a boot camp for your brain."

Would you like to....

Feel patient and present with your family in the evenings (instead of resentful)...because your own needs are being met.

Attend social events without obsessing if there will be "enough" to drink... because you enjoy drinking non-alcoholic beverages and have a "less is more" approach to alcohol.

Feel comfortable in your skin when you're not drinking...even when life is overwhelming or friends think you're more fun when you're drunk.

Have no desire to drink when you're stressed... because you have better coping skills and your brain no longer associates alcohol with stress relief.

Enjoy "ME" time without the urge to stay up too late drinking...even when you can't sleep.

Feel proud of your integrity because you are who you say you are... even when you're alone and no one but you will know or care.

Feel confident in your identity as a powerful woman with a purpose in life–without labeling yourself as a drinker OR a non-drinker.

Woman walking in a field

How do you expect to feel truly powerful if you subscribe to the belief that you can't control yourself around alcohol?


Which is why the biggest mistake you can make when you realize drinking has become a problem is to:

  • Identify as an alcoholic
  • Commit to a lifetime of abstinence
  • Believe you are "hard-wired" for addiction

Alcoholism is not a disease. Over-drinking is a habit. You practiced the art and skill of drinking, because you believed: